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(2) According to another definition, a hyperalgesia is primary when the reason is sensitization of nociceptors and secondary when it is due to alterations of central synaptic transmission. Hyperalgesia is divided into two categories: primary and secondary. Primary hyperalgesia involves pain sensitivity at or around the site of the injury. Secondary hyperalgesia occurs when the pain spreads to other areas of the body.

Secondary hyperalgesia meaning

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What is the meaning of hyperalgesia? How do you use hyperalgesia in a sentence? What are synonyms for hyperalgesia? Example sentences with "hyperalgesia", translation memory springer Elevated muscle sensitivity becomes manifest as (1) pain evoked by a normally non-noxious stimulus (allodynia), (2) abnormally intense pain evoked by noxious stimuli ( hyperalgesia ), or (3) unusually large areas of referred pain with associated somatosensory changes.

How precise does the Max. VAS-score following Long Thermal Stimulation evaluated on the 4 experimental days predict the size of the area of secondary hyperalgesia on the respective 4 experimental days? 4 sessions of Long Thermal Stimulation on 4 separate experimental days with 1 session per experimental day. Using models of secondary hyperalgesia and cold pressor induced pain, these studies have concluded that healthy human volunteers when given opioids, even on a short term basis, may be at risk for development of OIH .

Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am v.b20, n.b02, May 2008

Jan 19, 2021 A secondary hyperalgesia is one in which the pain sensitivity occurs in surrounding undamaged tissues. An example of hyperalgesia is opioid-  Aug 21, 2018 Keywords. Central sensitization, definition, pain, nociception, secondary hyperalgesia.

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Secondary hyperalgesia meaning

Secondary hyperalgesia is characterized by a leftward shift of the stimulus-response function for noxious mechanical stimuli. In order to define the afferent pathways involved in inducing central 2019-02-08 The hyperalgesia that occurs in inflammation (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis) is comparable to primary hyperalgesia and is thought to result from nociceptor sensitization.

Hyperalgesia Hyperalgesi Svensk definition. Stegrad smärtupplevelse vid smärtpåverkan till följd av skador på vävnad innehållande nociceptorer eller skadad perifer nerv. Hyperalgesin kan uppträda såväl i skadeområdet (primär hyperalgesi) som i omgivande, oskadad … What is the definition of HYPERALGESIA? What is the meaning of HYPERALGESIA? How do you use HYPERALGESIA in a sentence? What are synonyms for HYPERALGESIA? The hyperalgesia that occurs in inflammation (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis) is comparable to primary hyperalgesia and is thought to result from nociceptor sensitization.
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Secondary hyperalgesia meaning


The hyperalgesia to light touch that occurs in neuropathic pain (e.g., shingles) is comparable to secondary hyperalgesia and is thought to be the result of central sensitization ( MacFarlane et al., 1997 ).
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Peripheral nervous system excitation (primary hyperalgesia) increases sensitivity in the area of damaged tissue. For spinal sensitization (secondary hyperalgesia), hypersensitivity segmentally surrounds and extends beyond the area of primary hyperalgesia.

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What is the abbreviation for Secondary Hyperalgesia Area? What does SHA stand for?