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‪Peter Esaiasson‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

MacMillan) (2008) http://www. arena.uio.no/publications/wp01_14.htm, accessed 11 June 2004. Checkel, Jeffrey T. Daniel Naurin, ProfessorARENA, University of Oslo, PluriCourts, Department of Political Science, University of GothenburgVerifisert e-postadresse på jus.uio.no. Dan Gebo, dgebo555@gmail.com. Jonathan Haas, jhaas@fieldmuseum.org.

Daniel naurin uio

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Oslo styrer Høyre og Fremskrittspartiet, med støtte fra Venstre og Kristelig. Folkeparti. Elin Naurin har assisterat med att sammanställa Den andra personen som jag vill säga något om han heter Dan Nilsson och Oslo: Ad notam Gylden- dal. Timbro; Naurin, Daniel. 2001.

Häftad, 2017. Skickas inom 10-15 vardagar.

Det här verket har digitaliserats vid Göteborgs - GUPEA

… Hofmann, Andreas & Naurin, Nils Daniel (2020). Explaining interest group litigation in Europe: … Hofmann, Andreas & Naurin, Nils Daniel (2020).

113 2011/3 Innehåll Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift - ERDDA

Daniel naurin uio

Sep 30, 2020 Academic interests. Daniel Naurin has worked with a broad range of research themes during his academic career, including judicial politics,  Daniel Naurin, ProfessorARENA, University of Oslo, PluriCourts, Department of Political Science, University of GothenburgVerified email at jus.uio.no. Follow. Jul 11, 2020 Daniel Naurin, Professor, PluriCourts, University of Oslo (doctoral co-supervisor). Håkon Sælen, Senior researcher, CICERO Centre for climate  Jan 1, 2019 University of Oslo. RESEARCH FIELD. Political sciences.

Daniel Naurin, ProfessorARENA, University of Oslo, PluriCourts, Department of Political Science, University of GothenburgVerifierad e-postadress på jus.uio.no. Daniel Naurin, ProfessorARENA, University of Oslo, PluriCourts, Department of Political Science, University of GothenburgAdresă de e-mail confirmată pe  Email daniel.naurin@arena.uio.no. Phone +47 22859480. Room 551. Username. Log in.
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Daniel naurin uio

… Hofmann, Andreas & Naurin, Nils Daniel (2020).

Correspondence: Daniel Naurin. PluriCourts University of Oslo St. Olavs plass N‐0130 OSLO Norway. email: daniel.naurin@jus.uio.no. Search for more papers by this author E-mail address: daniel.naurin@jus.uio.no.
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Search for more papers by this author makepeopleperceiveitastransparent,andtherefore finditlegitimate. Iwillmakethreeconceptualdistinctionstohelpsort outthepuzzleofwhytransparencyreformsintheCoun- Naurin, Nils Daniel (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2017) I argue that the transparency reforms that have been implemented in the Council of the EU in the last decades are unlikely to change the perception of the Council as a non-transparent institution.

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ARENA - Centre for European Studies - Oslo - 201 foton - Facebook

– Norway needs ARENA to understand and navigate the European political landscape, says Daniel Naurin, who has been the director of ARENA since 1 October. Photo: Tron Trondal/UiO. – Although we are not members of the EU, we are no less dependent on Europe.