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‪Lindsey Kuper‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

way into dozens of host languages, including Scala, Haskell and Standard ML. The paradigm behind miniKanren can be described as “lightweight logic programming”2. This paper addresses the problem of embedding miniKanren into OCaml3 — a statically-typed func-tional language with a rich type system. Technical Blog : Comparing Monads in Haskell and in OCaml . 2020. OCanren语言教程. A tutorial for Ocanren, the typed embedded relational programming langauge.

Minikanren haskell

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Monad Transformers FTW! It turns out there is a very nice monad transformer by Dan Doel (based on a paper co-authored by Friedman) that does the backtracking and interleaving for me. I’ll still likely have to take a shot at making my own version of logict (again, just to learn how it works), but this will work for now. There are implementations of miniKanren in Haskell, Racket, Ruby, Clojure, JavaScript, Scala, Swift and Python. The canonical implementation is an embedded language in Scheme.

2009-03-10 · miniKANREN. miniKANREN is a simplified KANREN without many bells, whistles, and optimizations of the full system. The goal of the simplifications was to make miniKANREN easier to explain.

miniKanren - miniKanren - qaz.wiki

2013-05-10 prolog - microkanren - minikanren haskell . What are the main technical miniKanren was originally embedded in Scheme, and has been ported to dozens of other host languages over the past decade. The most popular miniKanren implementation is 'core.logic' in Clojure, which now has many Prolog-like extensions and a number of optimizations. MiniKanren is one such library that is available in languages like Haskell and Clojure.

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Minikanren haskell

way into dozens of host languages, including Scala, Haskell and Standard ML. The paradigm behind miniKanren can be described as “lightweight logic programming”2.

The aim is to write miniKanren programs in Haskell as a DSL. The distictive feature of this project is to ensure that these programs are well-typed. Best miniKanren implementation I got interested in Logic Programming and I've found that miniKanren seems to be one of the most widely used projects akin to this task. Looking in the project page there are various implementations for Haskell, can you suggest me which should I use? Core miniKanren Core miniKanren extends Scheme with three operations: ==, fresh, and conde. There is also run, which serves as an interface between Scheme and miniKanren, and whose value is a list. miniKANREN miniKANREN is a simplified KANREN without many bells, whistles, and optimizations of the full system. The goal of the simplifications was to make miniKANREN easier to explain.
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Minikanren haskell

2018 2017. 博士年度报告一 Li, Yue. ICFP 2021 hosts a number of workshops (and other co-located events, such as symposiums) with the option to be sponsored by SIGPLAN.

And miniKanren has been ported to dozens of host languages, including multiple Haskell implementations.
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F4: functional thursday Facebook

2018年8月31日 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q9x16uIsKA In this UnConf talk, Dan Friedman and William Byrd demonstrate the miniKanren logic  A pattern matcher for miniKanren, or, how to get into trouble with CPS macros Verifying replicated data types with typeclass refinements in Liquid Haskell. A pattern matcher for miniKanren, or, how to get into trouble with CPS macros Verifying replicated data types with typeclass refinements in Liquid Haskell. Eftersom relationer är dubbelriktade kan miniKanren köra uttrycket "bakåt" om Det finns implementeringar av miniKanren i Haskell , Racket , Ruby , Clojure  miniKanren 2020https://icfp20.sigplan.org/home/minikanren-2020MicroKanren in J: an Embedding of the Relational Paradigm in an Array Language with  adderall: a miniKanren implementation in Hy, efterfrågades för 2458 dagar sedan haskell-process: Process libraries in Haskell, efterfrågades för 2972 dagar  haskell-search-algorithms: Library for common graph search algorithms, på gång adderall: a miniKanren implementation in Hy, efterfrågades för 2460 dagar  For example, type families in Haskell provide a powerful, modular means of defining type-level computation.

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‪Lindsey Kuper‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Topics of interest include: Language design, with a focus on possible extensions and modifications of Haskell as well as critical discussions of the status quo; Theory MiniKanrenT. An implementation of miniKanren in Haskell. To get started. clone the repository and open examples.hs like so: ghci -isrc examples.hs. If you want to make it work with your own type you can basically just replicate what's in Control.Monad.MiniKanrenT.Term replacing Term with your own type. I got interested in Logic Programming and I've found that miniKanren seems to be one of the most widely used projects akin to this task.